Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Texture - Hazard Tape

I have already made the texture, but here is a render show you where it is in my scene and what it looks like.

Today i have a couple of hours to get all of my textures ready and apllied to my objects in my scene, so i will have time to do my renders from different camera angles. This will be good so i will hand the unit on time and not late.

So i going to set my self some targets for the today, by my first break at 10:15 my aim is to made all my final texutres and then at 10:30 till 11:00 i will aplly my textures and adjust the setting to make them fit perfect and look profeesional. The time what i have spear will be for rending, as you may now it can take a while to render, depending on the render setting you are using.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Targets Complete

Today i have set targets through out day, i have met all my targets and im proud. If not i would have to spend time doing at home, but i will still be doing work at home in the sketch book and my environment to get it to the best standard i can and try i get a high grade in this unit. Here are 2 of my textures fitted to my objects perfectly.

My broke bin and my rusty door, the door will be attached to the factory wall and i will have the fire escape exit glowing up.

Texture 3 - Hazard Tape

Here i have created a dirty hazard tape, so it will fit in wiht my scene perfect. My scene is based on a scruffy alleyway so there will be rubbish and dirt everywhere.

This tape is going to be where my loading bay is in my scene. To that the big drop is a hazard to people.

Tetxure 2 - Metal door

Now i have decide to go on  and make my next texure, the texture im going to make is a rusty metal texture to go on to make door. I going to try ans get it detailed as much as a real metal, so it will look amazing in my scene.

Here is the design i have so far, what i need to do now is to edit it, so the texure won't look like it is repating on the door.

I have now been working on to make my metal door look good in my alleyway scene. Here is my final tetxure for my door.
So what i need to do now is to get the bricks, cracked walls and graffiti texture done and then try and apply to my scene and get them to fit in perfect.

Texture 1 - Dumpster

I have created a texture for my dumpster, from different angles, i will use a UVW map and unwrap UVW to make the texture fit perfect on my dumpster when put in my scene.

Setting Targets

Today i am going to be setting myself some targets for today:

1. Make all textures for objects
2. Finish all the object Modelling
3. Apply atleast 2 texture to my objects

Monday, 13 June 2011

Review 6

Also i'm a updating my sketch book each day, by drawing objects i have created to be in my scene, how im going to make it, what texture im going use and did i gather refernce images. Also when i have created the final texture sfor each object they will be render out and then printed to show in my sketch book.

Review 5

I have started to work on my shutters and made them look more realistic in my scence. My aim is now is to create my own custom texture for my dumpster(bin), to make this texture i will have to create my own realistic metal texture and apply a colour. I have just finished modelling my dumpster, so i can alter around to make a couple of texure and see what will suit my dumpster and fit in the scene right.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Review 4

Know i have gone onto to make my own custom texture on photoshop for my loading bay shutter. I have made my texture with shadow and dark and light colours to show a good effect. What i have been struggling on for abit is to fit the texture to the object. Then i found the solution by using UVW mapping and Unwrap UVW. To make it fit perfect i edited the texture to fit perfect to the object.

Here is a example of my testing my custom texture on my shutters. I havent put this into my enviroment yet because this isnt my final one, but it is just so i will no how to apply my finished texture to my shutters

Review 3

I have been looking at how im going to model and texture the objects within my project. In my skecth book i have be doing some sketches of different view ports of my objects, such as the object from the left,back,front and right, also after i have modelled the objects i will then draw the wire frame into my skecth book to show the geometric theory and the polygons count in my model. As well i have choosen a couple of image from my research what will fit in percetly in my scene, then i will now look at the picture and from these i can make my own custom texture in photoshop.

So far for my alleyway i have been fidling about to make textures, currently i'm working on the texture for my dumpster, the texture i trying to create is a rusty metal effect. To help me to get a professional look to my texture im going to get a camera and take some origanl pictures.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Review 2

Today i have started drawing the final idea of my eneviroment. I have drawn it how i visualize it. The sketch is from a 1 point perspective view. So when you look down my allway the items/objects in the distance will get smaller and smaller. Also i have been labeling each item to show what the object is and how im going to make and what texture im going to create. In my environment i will be have more than 3 objects so i have model and make my custom textures for each one.

Review 1

This is our first day starting on the Unit : 3D Environment our aim is to create a environment of our choice. I have choice to create a alleyway but not a ordanairy alley way it will have a graffiti on the walls, smash windows, rubbish and bins. To begin this project i need to do some research to get ideas to make my environment look more realistic. I have gatherd several images and created a mood board, i have collected textures, bins, graffitit and etc. No from here i can look and get ideas from theses and create my own to a professional standard and put them in my scene.


My name is Michael Foley, i studying at the Manchester College. This blogger it to show all the work and review i will doing in the 3D Environment unit. The unit is to create an environment of your own choice and more than 3 objects in the scene. We will be using textures, lighting, UVW maps and etc. Also for this projects i will be creating my own textures in photoshop and then import them into 3D and apply to my objects.