Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Review 2

Today i have started drawing the final idea of my eneviroment. I have drawn it how i visualize it. The sketch is from a 1 point perspective view. So when you look down my allway the items/objects in the distance will get smaller and smaller. Also i have been labeling each item to show what the object is and how im going to make and what texture im going to create. In my environment i will be have more than 3 objects so i have model and make my custom textures for each one.

Review 1

This is our first day starting on the Unit : 3D Environment our aim is to create a environment of our choice. I have choice to create a alleyway but not a ordanairy alley way it will have a graffiti on the walls, smash windows, rubbish and bins. To begin this project i need to do some research to get ideas to make my environment look more realistic. I have gatherd several images and created a mood board, i have collected textures, bins, graffitit and etc. No from here i can look and get ideas from theses and create my own to a professional standard and put them in my scene.


My name is Michael Foley, i studying at the Manchester College. This blogger it to show all the work and review i will doing in the 3D Environment unit. The unit is to create an environment of your own choice and more than 3 objects in the scene. We will be using textures, lighting, UVW maps and etc. Also for this projects i will be creating my own textures in photoshop and then import them into 3D and apply to my objects.